Washington, DC – The following statement is in support of The ERISA Industry Committee’s (ERIC) statement for the record to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions ahead of its hearing titled, “Retirement Security: Building a Better Future.” The statement should be attributed to Aliya Robinson, Senior Vice President of Retirement and Compensation Policy, ERIC:
“The ERISA Industry Committee applauds lawmakers for recognizing the continued need to focus on retirement security.
We appreciate the retirement provisions in the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and look forward to legislation to support workers and retirees’ long-term financial and retirement security.
Our statement today outlines additional steps that must be taken to promote retirement security for working Americans further. We believe including these provisions will afford plan participants more opportunities to save and plan sponsors more flexibility in plan operations.
ERIC pledges to work with lawmakers to ensure plan participants are provided the most opportunities for savings and unnecessary administrative requirements do not burden plan sponsors.”
Click here to read ERIC’s statement.