ERIC, Coalition Allies File Amicus Brief Supporting AT&T Appeal Effort in Recordkeeping Claims Case

WASHINGTON, September 11, 2023 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) today filed a coalition amicus brief together with other groups representing sponsors and service providers of employee benefit plans in Bugielski et. al. v. AT&T, arguing that the decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will have far-reaching negative consequences for plan participants, sponsors, and fiduciaries.

ERISA Industry Committee Says Access to Mental Health Care, Pharmacy Costs, and Health Care Transparency Top Concerns of Large Employers

WASHINGTON, August 28, 2023 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) today said the results of the 2024 Large Employer Health Care Strategy Survey released by the Business Group on Health (BGH) last week underscores three of the most significant concerns of ERIC members: access to quality mental health services by their employees; out-of-control pharmacy costs; and the need for greater transparency regarding health plan data and quality and cost-effective health care services.

The ERISA Industry Committee Calls for Extension of Comment Period for Proposed Rule on Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and Technical Release

WASHINGTON, August 9, 2023 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) and several health plans, employers, and associations sent a request to the Department of Labor/Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department to Health and Human Services/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and Department of Treasury/Internal Revenue Service’s to extend the comment periods for the recently released Notice of Proposed Rulemaking CMS-9902-P Requirements Related to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act.

ERIC & Coalition Partners Seek Relief From New SECURE 2.0 ACT Roth Contribution Requirements

WASHINGTON, July 19, 2023 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) and coalition partners today issued a letter to the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service requesting transition relief relating to a SECURE 2.0 Act provision requiring that individuals with FICA wages of more than $145,000 in the prior year make any retirement plan catch-up contributions on an after-tax (“Roth”) basis starting after December 31, 2023.

The ERISA Industry Committee Urges Rejection of New Jersey Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON, June 22, 2023 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) today submitted written testimony in opposition to New Jersey Assembly Bill 536/2841, asserting the legislation under consideration by the New Jersey Assembly Appropriations Committee oversteps state authority and seeks to control self-insured employer health care plans governed by the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). ERIC believes that the legislation would raise health insurance and prescription drug costs for New Jersey employers and employees.

The ERISA Industry Committee Urges Congress to Prevent Dishonest Hospital Billing by Advancing H.R. 3417 and S. 1869

WASHINGTON, June 21, 2023 – The ERISA Industry Committee (ERIC) and a growing coalition of more than 35 national, regional, state and local employer and health care groups today sent a letter to Members of Congress urging co-sponsorship and advancement of the Facilitating Accountability in Reimbursement (FAIR) Act (H.R. 3417) and the Site-based Invoicing and Transparency Enhancement (SITE) Act (S.1869).