Policy Bottlenecks Restricting Access to Health Care  

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (ET)

While the COVID era highlighted severe health care provider shortages across the country, Americans continue to face a deficit of physicians and medical professionals to whom they can turn for care. Employee benefits plans have fewer and fewer options to provide care for their workforces. Meanwhile, many state policies currently in effect make these problems worse by creating geographic restrictions on medical services, requiring certificates of public need to create or expand sites of care, and otherwise applying arbitrary standards to medical providers. Join our panel of policy experts, employers, and advocates for an in-depth discussion of key policies that drive up prices and limit public access to health care services. 

Meet the Panelists

Moderator: Dillon Clair
Director, State Advocacy
Lisa M. Gables
CPA, CEO, American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) and Founder, HealthFORCE
Professor Thomas Stratmann
Distinguished University Professor, George Mason University
Jessica Rhoades
Head of State Health Care Policy, Amazon