Private Sector Guide to Managing Congressional Inquiries

8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. (ET)

Divided government often leads to an emphasis on congressional oversight, and this oversight is increasingly focused on the private sector. Media reports are replete with stories of prominent members of Congress demanding information concerning the operation of private companies. Because employee benefits are so important, some of these inquiries have focused on health care, paid leave policies, and retirement plan administration, among other employment-related issues. What purpose do these requests serve? How is the information used? And what steps should your company consider if it becomes a target of congressional inquiries? An expert panel will discuss likely oversight in the 118th Congress, offer insights, and suggest best practices for employers who may be in the crosshairs.  

Meet the Panelists

Moderator: Andy Banducci
Senior Vice President, Retirement and Compensation Policy
The ERISA Industry Committee
Darrell Rico Doss
Director, Federal Affairs
General Motors (GM)
John Ring
Morgan Lewis
Kristin Spiridon
Former Chief Counsel for Oversight
U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
Majority Staff
Joe Wheeler
Professional Staff Member
U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce
Majority Staff